Adventures in Disability Culture - an Immersive Experience of Disability Art: Using Technology Informed Pedagogy to Teach Disability Arts and Culture


The Adventures in Disability Culture project aims to enhance the learning and teaching experience of disability art and culture. While disability art is a lively and ever-present phenomenon, teaching and learning about it are often organized in ways that separate the learner from the cultural experience of disability, rendering the learner a mere observer rather than a visitor or participant in the disability culture movement. Consequently, the learner comes to view disability art and culture as a collection of disparate elements rather than a living and thriving cultural phenomenon. To address this unnecessary distancing between learners and disability culture, the Adventures in Disability Culture project offers a multimedia gateway into the experience of disability art for those who wish to learn, teach, or engage with disability experience through disability art, disability history, and disability theory. Our study describes how we are working to overcome this distancing through the use of storytelling and multimedia. Our project centers on the creation of an interactive 12-chapter choose-your-adventure experience that immerses the reader/protagonist into disability culture via virtual art galleries, storytelling, escape rooms, and movie clips. The project emphasizes digital access, uses technology to increase information accessibility, and promotes Open Educational Resources. An art project in itself, Adventures in Disability Culture, introduces global audiences to many forms of disability art and the experience of disability culture.


Andjela Kaur
Assistant Teaching Professor, Biobehavioral Health, Pennsylvania State University, United States

Samantha Beebe
Associate Teaching Professor, Biobehavioral Health, Pennsylvania State University, United States

Nicholas Rossi
Creative Designer, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Penn State, Pennsylvania, United States

Sara Davis
Learning Designer, University Libraries / Teaching and Learning with Technology, Penn State University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Disability, Technology, Pedagogy