This workshop will showcase approaches through the evolution of publishing studies of best practices in academic library research skills. The workshop will host interactive audience engagements for frame working the spectrum of publishing studies in building academic library research skills and resources. From emphasizing the connections and collaborations of academic libraries in the publishing editorial processes of peer review selections, metadata, digital publishing, copyright issues, publishing market trends, scholarly publishing, manuscript submission, peer review models, citation impact metrics factors, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, evidence syntheses, editorial curation, open access trends, evolving digital platforms, predatory publishers, academic journals, industry publications and scholarly communication process, the session will boast an intellectual approach to encapsulating all cultural perspectives and approaches to publishing practices through the lens of academic libraries. The audience will have access to interact with hands-on activities that will boast a better understanding of the integral world of academic librarianship. From highlighting knowledge in both print and online sectors of database publisher vendor platforms such as: EBSCOhost, ProQuest. Science Direct, Sage, Wiley, ABI Inform, Gale, IEEE Xplore Engineering, JoVE, JSTOR, Nexis Uni, Pivot, Project Muse, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Scopus, Springer Journals, Taylor & Francis Online Journals, Sci-Finder, Gobi Publisher Collection Software, OCLC World Cat, eBook Central Collections and many more, the training will focus on building the best practices for publishing strategies through the attendees’ opportunities to engage with activities to help build skill-sets, guidelines and protocols for harvesting and academic research skills with authority in publishing studies.
Kimberly Michelle GayAcademic Reference and Instruction Librarian II, Head of Reference and Information Services Department, University Library Services, Prairie View A&M University, United States
Presentation Type
Automation, Trends, Publishing, Libraries, Ethics, Digital, Collaborations, Advocacy, Scholarly, Support