Plenary Panel: Opportunities and Challenges in Financing Resilience and Managing Climate Risk

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Michael Berkowitz, Executive Director, Climate Resilience Institute, University of Miami, United States
Elizabeth Emanuel, International Development Consultant, Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility SPC, United States
Meenakshi Chabba, Ecosystem and Resilience Scientist, The Everglades Foundation, United States
Luis Seco, Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Master in Mathematical Finance, University of Toronto, Canada
Laura Verderame, Assistant Vice President of Catastrophe Risk Management, Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC, United States
Enrique Villamor, Professor of Mathematics and Director of Research and Education of the Environmental Finance and Risk Management Program, IoE-FIU, United States


Building resilience and managing climate risk  are critical for economic stability, minimizing disruptions from natural disasters, pandemics, or socio-political crises.To do that we need to better prioritize how citizens, policy makers and capital markets understand risk and how they reward risk mitigation and resilience building. A new set of innovative environmental financial instruments (weather derivatives, green bonds, parametric index insurance, catastrophe bonds, debt for nature swaps,...)  provide us with the tools to measure climate risk, hedging it and financing resilience, adaptation, mitigation, conservation, restoration and GHG reduction projects. Additionally, a new class of innovative finance products might better capture resilience dividends (not just protective value) from nature based and hybrid green-grey solutions. 


The events during this block will bring together practitioners in government, finance and development with research and  thought leaders to explore how  these innovative financing and risk transfer mechanisms can support growing needs for new resilient infrastructure. We will explore the integral role that financial systems and products play in helping to launch innovative climate solutions that improve security and livability.  We will also explore new kinds of nature-based solutions that contribute to risk reduction and have multiple societal benefits; and touch on the role insurance tools and creative funding of risk management projects can play in shaping our resilient world by implementing and preserving those nature-based solutions

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