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Arundhathi Madanan, Student, MA Design, Lasalle College of Arts, South East, Singapore

Designing Ideas into Concepts II: Further Defining the Ratio of Ideas to Great Ideas View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Jon Ligon,  Burton St. John Iii,  Mark Heisten  

With the success of last year’s presentation “Designing Ideas into Concepts” at the 17th Annual Design Principles & Practices Conference, the authors now wish to return with a follow up workshop: Designing Ideas into Concepts II. In Lisbon, we shared our research which showed that the “Idea Ratio” (Utley, Klebahn, 2022) was 376 to 1. That is, one needs 376 ideas to stand a chance that one of them will be great. And the design challenge was to “Sell a Brick”. For the upcoming conference, the team offers a workshop, with a new design challenge— Sell a Crystal Ball—and invite collaborators to join our research and help us to arrive at a new discrete number for the Idea Ratio. How many ideas need to be generated for one of those ideas to be considered great?

Place, Memory, and Artifact - an Expanded Drawing Workshop: Transcending Global Borders through Community Building and Collaboration Within and Beyond the Classroom View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Shea Chang,  Joanne Pang  

Hybrid Designers/Educators/Practitioners are powerful conduits for engagement within and beyond the classroom. This workshop presents the personal and pedagogical practices of collaborators Shea Chang and Joanne Pang. As co-designers of THE FLIPSIDE PROJECT, a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) initiative, and as recent artistic collaborators on Place, Memory, and Artifact: an Expanded Drawing Workshop, Chang + Pang relay their investigations of place and displacement through collaborative authorship & virtual and tacit drawing methods. The session is focused on drawing translation (reform), drawing iteration (remix), and drawing as object/artifact creation (remember). Participants will be asked to explore the notion of place and memory through embodied drawing exercises, iteration stations, and will leave with a unique artifact of their collaborative engagement. While in spontaneous dialogue with each other and facilitators, participants will gain understanding of how to combine virtual and tacit materials and processes (synergistic drawing practices) to ignite new collaborations within local and global communities.

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