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Shwetha Raja, Student, Masters, LASALLE College of Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore

Design Anthropology Workshop: Critical Craft Futures View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Martin Bonney  

In a global crisis gripped by chaos and confronted by environmental disasters, systemic inequalities, and geopolitical conflicts, the need for collaboration between anthropologists, designers and makers has never been more pressing. This interactive design anthropology workshop fostering a culture of sustainability in response to these challenges. Through a posthuman lens and combining elements of storytelling and Action Learning (AL), the session harnesses the synergy between sustainability and critical practice to instil optimism. Participants will explore problems without thinking of quick solutions but engage in open, insightful questioning, driven towards tangible social change. Through the future perspectives of design anthropology and key design methodologies, participants will explore new tools and creative frameworks for exploration leveraging on the instructors vast transcultural teaching and practice. The session's overarching goal is to ignite our collective imagination and foster critical thinking towards sustainable craft futures. Through a multi-sensory experience of video and cards that prompt participants’ into topics of sustainability. Structured through the Action Learning process, mapping open questions and entering into multiple reflections for diverse perspectives. These interactive prompts will support participants’ discussions on various aspects, leveraging the importance of sustainability while identifying challenges and opportunities in achieving positive designed futures. Recognizing the complex issues from environmental harm, outdated ideas of growth prevalent in current product development, innovation, manufacturing, and marketing practices, to social, cultural etc. This workshop is designed to empower participants to leverage their creative skills to catalyse lasting, repairable change, rooted in sustainable principles applicable to all domains of design.

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