Case Study "Empathy In Action"

(Please make sure to Sign-up for the Case Study at the desk on the first day of the conference.)

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Empathy is the foundation of human-centred design. In Design Thinking by Sidney Eve Matrix, it is described as “needfinding,” in that it involves discovering people’s explicit and implicit needs so that one can meet those needs through design. This hands-on workshop combines design thinking methods and speculative thinking to encourage creativity and innovation rooted in empathy.

Guided by facilitators, participants will collaborate in small groups to brainstorm problem statements, explore new ideas that address current issues within communities, and shape the future as they think about the present.

In doing so, they are required to think about user behaviours, needs, preferences and challenges. This human-centred approach equips participants with the knowledge to practise empathy for others in their own capacities, and come up with design solutions that can assist, enable, empower and care for said communities.

  • Location: At the University.
  • Registration: Please make sure to Sign-up for the Case Study at the desk on the first day of the conference. (Limited spaces)

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