Creativity and Curiosity

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Shwetha Raja, Student, Masters, LASALLE College of Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore

Exploring Dynamic Morphologies: Structural Transitions of Bamboo Weaving in 3D Forms

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Felnunmoi Gangte,  Avinash Shende  

Bamboo baskets in the Northeastern states of India hold cultural significance, reflecting regional lifestyles and traditional craftsmanship. The grass itself is known for its versatility and sustainable characteristics making it a relevant material for innovation. However, the dynamic behaviour of bamboo weaves used in these baskets is a less studied aspect of the craft. The transformation of one 3-dimensional form to another form, garnered by a continuous strip of bamboo, is a less-explored realm and therefore is attempted in this study. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining design research methods and the nuances of traditional craftsmanship. It explores the characteristics of bamboo weaves by challenging it to transition between three-dimensional forms derived from the forms of traditional baskets. The baskets that have been studied are chosen based on the complexity of their form and the transition of weaves throughout the form. The subsequent process of making unveils the principles governing weave behaviour during morphological transitions. The framework developed using these principles could ensure the survival of the traditional weaving technique and its potential modern applications. The insights gained from this study contribute to the knowledge base of bamboo as a material, and also have practical implications that will allow versatile design and artistic creations.

Fostering Curiosity Through Elaborate Visual Narrative for Children View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Shruti Soharia Singh,  Ranganath M Singari,  Lalit K. Das  

This paper considers the implications of using elaborate visual narratives in context of primary school students. The word “elaborate” focuses on complexity of various elements of narratives arousal of emotions, developing interest, engagement, inculcating curiosity, increasing comprehension, empathy. This research paper focuses on visual narratives built to interest children in a few selected aspects of scientific process that arouse wonder among children. The paper provides an analysis focussing the comparison between minimalistic and elaborate approach while creating visual narratives for children. The efficacy of elaborate visual narratives for children for effective learning, communication, development of visual dictionary, by increasing curiosity or inquisitiveness among children. In this paper, after a statistical analysis of data driven by observing a set of 50 students 8-10 years old. Data of their responses is based on their interaction with the Static and Interactive Visual Narratives. To define the increase in curiosity: analysed through three attributes: Engagement, Emotional Response and Comprehension by means of three Elements of Design: Form, Space and Colour. Creating case studies to evaluate these aspects, Book (Static Visual Narrative) and an App (Interactive Visual Narrative).

Y2K Aesthetics and Its Influence on Singaporean Punk Zines of the 1990s to Early 2000s View Digital Media

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ginette Chittick  

In this paper, the definition of Y2K aesthetic and canonical punk D.I.Y. zine aesthetics and methods of production are brought into sharp relief. I examine the aesthetic influence of Y2K design elements on the graphic production of Singaporean punk zines from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s. Characterized by futuristic elements, bold vivid colours, gradient and translucent elements, Web 1.0 aesthetics, metallic textures, and futuristic typography, the global Y2K aesthetic marked a significant shift in visual culture at the turn of the millennium. Singaporean punk zines of this period adopted and applied these stylistic trends, resulting in a synthesis of the raw, cut-and-paste ethos of punk with the sleek, tech-driven aesthetic of the digital age. With the increased accessibility to word processing software such as Adobe Photoshop and WordPerfect, the nature of the graphic production in the punk community would inevitably evolve in this period. Experimenting with layering, digital typography, and image manipulation, together with traditional cut-and-paste techniques, the resultant hybrid designs reflected the era's visual zeitgeist. Through a visual analysis of zine graphics, layouts, and graphic composition, this paper investigates how the Y2K aesthetic and emergent technological tools influenced the visual language of punk zines ultimately changing the course of its design approach and aesthetic direction. By highlighting the interplay between global design trends, technological innovation, and local punk DIY practices, this paper offers insight into how the visual styles of the late 1990s and early 2000s left a lasting imprint on Singaporean punk zine culture.

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