This research employs a case study in Blitar District to consider opportunities for community development through eco-print products, namely by utilizing available natural materials such as leaves and flowers. This applied research lasted for more than three years, with the goal of encouraging people to become socio-creativepreneurs through eco-print products. The study uses two main methods, which are Service-Learning (S-L) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), involving the participation of students and the community. By using these two methods, this research in addition to provide services to the community also education to students and the community. In the first year, we produced eco-print motifs, while in the second year we focused more on making eco-print products. In the third and last year, we provided a platform in the form of video tutorials to replace live training that can be used by the community without limitations of place and time. The media website was created to facilitate and promote eco-print activities and products’ Instagram. Training to upload product photos to Instagram and the marketplace for promotion and selling of products was also carried out. The hope for all these activities is that the community can be more independent in managing this newly built business and the spirit of socio-creativepreneurship can be developed.
Listia NatadjajaHead of Department, Visual Communication Design, Associate Professor, Visual Communication Design, Petra Christian University, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
2025 Special Focus—Thinking, Learning, Doing: Plural Ways of Design