The multi-year effort to launch a Game Design major finally culminates in a Fall 2025 program launch. We discuss the many institutional obstacles that we needed to overcome; how the focus on intercollegiate and interdepartmental collaboration brought about institutional change; and how we crafted a Game Design major that leverages the strengths and uniqueness of Iowa State University. We hope to share this experience in dialog with our design peers in a conversation where we exchange ideas on our efforts and learn what others have done at their institutions to enact change for programs and students.
Anson CallAssociate Professor, Graphic Design, Iowa State University, Iowa, United States Jeffrey Wheatley
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, Iowa State University, United States Jeremy Best
Associate Professor, History, Iowa State University, United States
Presentation Type
Game Design, Design Education, Interdepartmental, Intercollegiate, Interdisciplinary, Institutional Change