Exploring the Effectiveness of Course Design Based on Cooperative Learning and Peer Feedback in Fostering Students’ Innovative Thinking and Critical Thinking Skills : A Case Study of a Design Methods and Creative Thinking Course


In university classrooms, most courses are traditionally delivered by a single teacher, and large-class settings further challenge teachers to address the learning progress of all students and provide timely guidance. Cooperative learning is a strategy that facilitates interaction among learners to achieve shared learning objectives. In the context of university design courses, curriculum planning often includes elements such as design proposals and presentations. However, students have historically shown low levels of attention during presentations from other one and a lack of proficiency in asking questions. To address these challenges, this course design incorporates not only group-based cooperative learning but also an intergroup feedback mechanism. Groups serve as advisory units, supplementing the teacher’s role as the sole evaluator and mentor. During group presentations, advisory groups collect and consolidate their perspectives anonymously through online tools. This approach not only mitigates the dominance of a single viewpoint provided by the teacher but also offers objective insights and experiential feedback from peers on the same topic. This strategy enhances students’ attention and contributes significantly to the cultivation of their critical thinking skills. Moreover, intergroup feedback is synthesized and presented to the reporting group to refine their design proposals. This integrative feedback mechanism helps improve the overall quality of design outputs while fostering an environment that supports innovative and critical thinking.


Ya ling Ko
Student, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan

Wen Huei Chou
Professor, Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Design Education


Course Design, Cooperative Learning, Peer Feedback, Critical Thinking