Research on Strategies for Interactive Teaching in Smart Classrooms under the Background of Digital Technology: A Case Study of the "Introduction to Art" Course for Digital Media Arts Majors at University X


The deep integration of digital information technology and education provides technical support for promoting smart education, which, in turn, relies heavily on the smart classroom as a crucial carrier. Existing research reveals that the actual effect of smart classrooms in practical use is less than ideal, with most schools emphasizing their construction while neglecting the innovation of interactive teaching methods. Therefore, based on the characteristics of interactive teaching in smart classrooms, this study designs interactive teaching strategies for smart classrooms, implements and tests the effects of these strategies, and proposes teaching strategies to enhance the effectiveness of interactive teaching in smart classrooms. This study focuses on first-year students majoring in Digital Media Arts at University X, using the course “Introduction to Art” as the teaching case. The research scope encompasses infrastructure, digital media technology, digital teaching resources, and interactive teaching methods within smart classrooms. Firstly, by reviewing previous research, this study clarifies the concept of smart classrooms and the characteristics of interactive teaching, providing a theoretical foundation for subsequent research. Subsequently, interactive teaching strategies for smart classrooms are designed and implemented in the theoretical course “Introduction to Art” for Digital Media Arts majors. Questionnaires are utilized to gather students’ evaluations and suggestions regarding these interactive teaching strategies. Finally, based on the survey results, improved strategies for interactive teaching in smart classrooms are proposed, leading to research conclusions.


Xiufang Liu
Student, PhD Candidate, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea

Hae Yoon Kim
Korea Economic Institute of America


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Education