Designing Mechanisms for Sustainable Internal Quality Assurance in Basic Education Schools in Thailand: User Experience Research


The objective of this research is to design mechanisms for driving a sustainable internal quality assurance system for basic education schools in Thailand. The research methodology employed user experience (UX) design. The target group of the research consisted of six primary schools. The key informants included six administrators, twelve teachers, and one district education office. The key informants from the district education office comprised two administrators, three educational supervisors, and five experts who conducted the quality evaluation. The research instruments included semi-structured interviews, field note forms, and quality evaluation forms. Data analysis was conducted through data categorization, data linking, and analytic induction. The research found that the mechanisms for driving a sustainable internal quality assurance system consisted of Smart director, Partnership school, Learning and innovation, Supervision monitoring and evaluation, and Competencies of quality assurance. The quality evaluation by experts found that the developed mechanisms met the evaluation standards of accuracy, propriety, feasibility, utility, and accountability. Feedback from the users indicated a high level of satisfaction with the developed mechanisms, as they aligned with their developmental needs and provided benefits to the schools.


Jatuphum Ketchatturat
Lecturer, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Design Management and Professional Practice


Mechanism, Sustainable Internal Quality Assurance, Basic Education, User Experience Research