As generative writing tools like ChatGPT increasingly permeate higher education, writing instructors face unprecedented challenges in maintaining academic integrity while fostering student agency. This workshop introduces a practical, process-based model for writing instruction that aligns with principles of equity, transparency, and student-centered learning. This approach leverages years of action research using OneDrive and Google Drive as readily-available collaborative platforms. Many colleges and universities already provide access to these platforms for students and instructors; they can be used in innovative ways to support skill development in writing across disciplines through iterative drafting, reflective practice, and feedback loops tailored to individual needs. Participants will explore how integrating these platforms into process-based assessment not only enhances accessibility but also equips students with foundational literacies and technological skills that transfer across contexts. Moreover, this approach encourages and facilitates sustained engagement. By leveraging straightforward features such as version history and cloud-based composition in scaffolded assignment sequences, instructors can gain insights into developmental trajectories, enable timelier interventions, and support a more nuanced understanding of writing process areas of strength and challenge. This approach provides an elegant-in-its-simplicity design, mediating the problem of differentiated “versus” Universally-designed instruction. In facilitating an organic writing process, this model offers a way to detect and dissuade misuse of AI writing tools, as the emphasis shifts from the final product to the evolution of ideas through active revision. This workshop demonstrates the importance of writing as a process of human empowerment, reinforcing the value of teaching writing as a mode of critical thinking.
Kyle OddisInstructor, Arts & Sciences, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Massachusetts, United States
Presentation Type
Writing, AI, ChatGPT, Pedagogy, Assessment, UDL, Academic Integrity, Higher Education