Authentic Ways of Being: Agency, Morality, Ethics, and the Transformative Power of Compassion


Grounded in phenomenological thought, we assert that human beings always, naturally exist in relation to others and things. Recognizing this inherent relationality, we explore positive (authentic) relationality, distinguished by compassion, understood as genuine care and concern for others, and examine the elements that foster such authentic ways of being. Conversely, we briefly contrast this with aversive (inauthentic) relationality, ostensibly characterized by abstraction and separation which undermine meaningful connection. A tendency toward inauthentic modes of being may emerge when we, consciously or unconsciously, embrace ideologies that atomize, overly reduce, and objectify the Other and our own sense of being-in-relation, thereby obscuring our true nature. Engaging with a range of ideas that offer insights into more authentic ways of relating, this inquiry becomes an invitation for ongoing dialogue, one that can pave the way for more genuine, authentic living. We propose that authentic relationality is intricately linked to agency, moral obligation, and ethical responsibility, which together form the essential foundation for cultivating compassion. In this sense, compassion is the driving force that transforms these ideas into meaningful action, motivating us to engage in relational practices that actualize positive modes of relating and ultimately promote the flourishing of harmonious communities.


Madison Hayes
Student, B.S. Psychology, Utah Valley University, Utah, United States

Brett Morgan Breton
Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences - Psychology, Utah Valley University, Utah, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Minds and Machines: Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Ethics, and Order in Global Society


Phenomenology, Relationality, Compassion, Agency, Relational Ethics, Human Flourishing