This research paper analyzes the concepts of public and private value, drawing on an extensive review of the literature regarding theoretical foundations of value within both the private and public sector contexts. Additionally, it explores the nature of ecosystems, which are collaborative networks of interconnected actors. The concept of value remains ambiguously defined, with existing definitions often lacking coherence, particularly in relation to the public sector and public-private partnerships. This paper seeks to advance the understanding of public value within the context of public ecosystems and collaborative networks. There is a notable gap in knowledge concerning the nature of value at various levels of ecosystems, highlighting the need for further conceptual development of both private and public value in these settings. This paper addresses this gap by offering new insights and propositions for refining the definitions and conceptualizations of value. Through a review of existing literature, this paper proposes a framework that characterizes the fundamentals of private and public value and suggests a more specific definition tailored to ecosystem contexts. Furthermore, it contributes by conceptualizing public value at different levels of ecosystems and outlines avenues for future research in this area.
Jukka OjasaloHead of Master's Degree Program, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session