Overlapping Identities: Montenegro’s Diaspora or Montenegrin Diaspora?


This paper explores the complex matter of defining the Montenegrin diasporic identity within the context of Montenegro’s multi-ethnic composition and in regard to its diaspora engagement policy. It does so by drawing inspiration from the Scottish diaspora and the Scottish Government’s recent diaspora engagement strategy. Our work addresses the challenge posed by migrants from Montenegro who, while originating from the country, more often than not identify with their specific ethnic diasporas (Montenegrin, Serb, Bosnian Albanian, Croatian), rather than a unified diaspora of Montenegro. Similarly, Scotland must deal with a diaspora that draws upon a very broad range of history and competing senses of identity and belonging, yet for the Scottish diaspora, there is no Scottish state or citizenship. Thus, these examples of Montenegro and Scotland present a key definitional problem, albeit a mirror of each other. Therefore, this research investigates this national identity division within the diaspora of Montenegro, examining the historical, social, and political factors contributing to these distinct identifications, including questions of national belonging and historical narratives. Our paper aims to provide a more nuanced understanding of what constitutes the Montenegrin diaspora in its various forms and based on this analysis, proposes more inclusive potential governmental definitions and policies. Our proposals would allow Montenegro to acknowledge and recognise the varied ethnic and national identities of its diaspora, with its broader spectrum of connection to the homeland, and further allow a more productive and fruitful engagement with those diverse, worldwide, diaspora communities.


Klement Camaj
Lecturer, School of Education and Social Sciences, Univeristy of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Diaspora, Montenegro, Scotland, Policy, Migration, Cultural Identity