Peri-Urban Gentrification : Unveiling Spatial Contestation and Displacement Impacts in Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The phenomenon of gentrification in Sleman Regency is marked by the increase in the construction of hotels and apartments to welcome the massive arrivals from outside the region. This phenomenon is considered beneficial by the government because it accounts for the largest percentage of PAD. However, this is not in line with the negative impact felt by local communities who have experienced displacement. This study reveals the spatial contestation occurring to the gentrification of tourism and education in Sleman Regency. Using the blended method (offline and online), through in-depth interviews, observations and literature studies as well as a spatial phenomenology approach with a focus on the study in Karangwuni. The results show that the dynamics of gentrification in Sleman Regency has four phases, firstly road construction, secondly government and private infrastructure development, thirdly infrastructure development by ndividual renovators in the form of exclusive boarding, fourthly the emergence of displacement due to gentrification. Displacement that occurs in the form of voluntary displacement and symbolic displacement. Voluntary displacement has indirectly caused social conflicts due to the establishment of apartments in the middle of residential areas. Meanwhile, symbolic displacement causes socio-economic problems for vulnerable groups to occur due to the massive construction of apartments and exclusive boarding houses in Karangwuni. The contestation of space due to gentrification in Karangwuni shows that the government cannot control gentrification and city development is only biased by the middle class.


Akhmad Khanif
Student, Master, Ethnologie, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social and Community Studies


Tourism-led Development, Social Conflicts, Economic Impacts, Community Policies, Indonesia