Ksours make a part of the typical desert landscape in most countries of North Africa. Their inhabitants have been related to the place for generations. The houses are inherited. The model of ksour development differs from that of most rural – urban areas, in which there is a possibility to attract new owners from outside the village. Tourism in ksours is taking advantage of the cultural heritage of the Sahara region. It contributes to the preservation of cultural richness and same time helps to improve local prosperity, and economic viability. Moreover tourism gives to locals a possibility to earn money for their traditional activities, with respect for the cultural roles of men and women. Also a better care for visual cleanliness in ksours’ surroundings is observed. Theoretically we have to deal with the ideal model. A single observation might lead to the conclusion that tourism contributed to the preservation of culture while also helping to improve local wellbeing and economic viability. However, more than 15 years of comparative research have led to different conclusions. Paradoxically – despite keeping most sustainable tourism indicators, the general impact of tourism is mostly negative. Tourism generates social disproportions and the subjective feeling of poverty between those who are not involved in the sector. As the consequence ksours are abandoned by some inhabitants seeing their material situation lower, compared with others. It leads first to the destruction of abandoned houses, and at a later stage, to the abandonment and destruction of the whole village.
Anna DłużewskaAssociate Professor/ Honorary Research Associate, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management/ Faculty of Management Sciences, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University/ Durban Univeristy of Technology, Poland
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Critical Issues in Tourism and Leisure Studies
Ksours, Sahara region, Morocco, Sustainable Tourism, Wellbeing, Subjective Wellbeing