The study investigated the common challenges faced by the Computer Science students in writing their thesis, specifically on the following indicators: a) conceptualizing the research problem ; b) using proper academic language ; c) selecting appropriate research methodologies ; d) technical know-how ; e) availability of data ; and f) interpreting data. The study employed a mixed-method approach in gathering data. The major findings of the study were the following : 1) most students find it difficult to conceptualize their problem statement, which results in the delay of crafting the other parts of their manuscript ; 2) the respondents are also not that adept in their technical know-how of the pre-requisite subjects they had in their specialization; and 3) the respondents also find it difficult to gather the necessary data both from students and faculty members.
Thelma PagtalunanDean, College of Science, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning
Challenges, Thesis, Computer science, Students