The Road Less Taken: A Multiple Case Study of Alternative Learning Program Educators in Minnesota


This qualitative, multiple case study explored educators’ perceptions and measurements of success and approaches utilized in maximizing learner potential at three different Minnesota alternative learning program sites. Sites included Greater Minnesota, suburban, and urban settings. Methods involved eight one-on-one participant interviews, one focus group, and three observations of classroom physical space across the three programs. Participants had at least three years working in alternative learning and held tenure status according to the Minnesota Department of Education. Within-case-analysis produced 12 themes across the cases with three themes corresponding to each site and the focus group. Cross-case analysis disclosed three overarching themes: personalization, transition, and relationships. First, the personalization of learning contributed to learner success. Second, students’ ability to transition from one step to another, whether a small benchmark or after high school equated learner success. Third, relationships rendered a significant approach towards maximizing learning potential, particularly the impact of building and sustaining relationships in a positive manner. Path-Goal Theory, Bio-ecological Model of Development Theory, and the Theory of Academic Optimism and Student Achievement served as pillars to examine cross-case findings. Based on the findings, alternative learning program educators constructed asset-based pathways for their students. Recommendations to and implications for key stakeholders serve as vehicles to transform the perception of alternative learning programs.


Ann Elizabeth Thole
Alternative Learning Program Coordinator, High School, Edina Public Schools, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogy and Curriculum


Alternative Learning Programs, Minnesota, United States, Social Constructivism, Qualitative Research