This paper explores how authentic game-based assessment can be utilised to assess 21st Century Learning skills in the classroom. Focussing on the assessment of “soft” skills through games where children can be assessed in environments in which they are familiar and comfortable. The discussion interrogates how the OECD Framework for assessing the soft Skills of Computational Thinking in Learning in the Digital World (2025) can be adapted and combined with the goal setting and self-reflection aspects of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile framework (2021) to develop an innovative way for teachers to assess the 21st Century skills. The Soft Skills assessment framework has been developed through Doctor of Philosophy research data analysis which has led to the development of an overall framework that has emerged from this analysis. The prototype framework has been trialled with children whilst playing open world games of Minecraft or Zelda: Breath of the Wild in their own environment (eco-cultural ethnographic fieldwork). There is an identified need to assess children in places and spaces they are familiar with particularly regarding the development of 21st learning skills and the development of post digital future facing authentic assessment. This paper discusses the development of the Authentic Game-Based Assessment Framework and the trials of utilising the prototype with children playing games in their own familiar environments.
Kim BalnavesLecturer, School of Education, Curtin University, Western Australia, Australia
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Authentic, Assessment, Play-based, Digital-Games