Using Applied Research-focused Seminars to Support Post-graduate Students's Quantitative Research Techniques


This paper disseminates identified challenges and strategies for supporting post-graduate student’s skill development in the areas of social science when applying statistical concepts for designing research. This study is geared toward researcher development by sharing our own experiences of designing a seminar focused on these concepts. Although we do provide examples of relevant literature to support the need for pedagogical exploration and empirical research in this area, the authors chose primarily to share the process using a descriptive format as a starting point for future researchers’ considerations. The details of the seminar are shared including structure, format, and content delivered. Additionally, reflections are shared specific to general student barriers and feedback. The paper is proposed to inform practice and includes a discussion of teacher educator application for future delivery of teaching statistics to post-graduate students. Our discussion and shared framework of instruction offer support to teacher educators in the field of statistics to be aware of barriers experienced by post-graduates and offers strategies to support their development of skills. Although there is evidence to support students report anxiety and consider statistics courses to be a barrier to their success in post-graduate students (Cook et. al., 2003; Onwuegbuzie et al., 2003), there is a dearth of evidence identifying those barriers from statistical skills deficit analysis or exploring practical solutions for teaching practices to lessen this barrier. This overview has the potential to provide a starting point for future research development related to teaching statistical concepts effectively to post-graduate students.


Gibbs Kanyongo
Professor, Education, Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, United States

Kakoma Luneta
Professor of Mathematics Education, Childhood Education, University of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Learning in Higher Education