This paper explores the multifaceted benefits of developing and utilizing OER (Open Educational Resources) instructor-created course materials, focusing on advantages for students, faculty, and programs. For students, this approach translates to low-cost, highly accessible, and adaptable learning resources, delivered by instructors with intimate knowledge of the content and a vested interest in its quality. From a faculty perspective, creating their own materials offers unparalleled flexibility and customization, streamlines course updates, and fosters collaborative content creation opportunities, both within Notre Dame and with partner institutions. This model also provides a vehicle for sharing research, authorship opportunities, and a return on investments in faculty development. We highlight a current project: a multi-platform XR/VR, flamenco-themed, collaborative escape room as an example. Furthermore, it creates opportunities to mentor graduate students and leverages the numerous benefits of inter-institutional collaboration. At the program level, instructor-created materials can be tailored precisely to program goals and objectives, integrating individual instructor strengths and experiences. Critically, this approach facilitates continuous curriculum improvement and collaborative curriculum design, ensuring programs remain dynamic and responsive to evolving needs. This study details these advantages and discuss strategies for supporting faculty in the development and implementation of high-quality, instructor-created course resources.
Tatiana BoteroTeaching Professor, Romance Languages, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States Elena Mangione
Teaching Professor, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
OER, XR, Technology, Language, Culture, CommunityEngagement, Legacy