Scientific advisory bodies have emerged as critical institutional mechanisms to enhance climate governance. These bodies aim to bring a long-term, technocratic, and evidence-based perspective to climate policymaking. Albeit a relatively recent phenomenon, these institutions are tasked with providing legislative science advice, contributing to climate strategies, fostering public dialogue, and holding policymakers accountable, and are becoming increasingly common in climate governance (Coen et al., 2020). The EU itself has until recently lacked an equivalent body. In 2021, the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC), an independent body providing scientific knowledge to EU institutions, was established. Integrating theoretical approaches from public policy and administration with insights from philosophy of science, EU climate governance, and science advice, this paper critically assesses the epistemic trustworthiness of the ESABCC. We posit that the epistemic trustworthiness of scientific advisory bodies can have a significant impact on the uptake of scientific advice in EU climate policymaking. This novel synthesis provides deeper insights into the dynamics governing the effectiveness, credibility, and public trust in scientific advisory bodies as knowledge organisations.
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Organizations as Knowledge Makers
Scientific, Advice, Organization, Epistemic, Trustworthiness, EU