The study examines the cultural inclinations, role of cultural leaders/community leaders, counselors, and occupational types of the drivers. However studies on early marriage in Nigeria have, mostly, focused on drivers of early marriage. The negative practice of early marriage may be as a result of economic costs of leaving, illiteracy, cultural and religious pressure on early marriage practice. The paper observed that intercultural leaders/village heads should play a significant role in addressing challenges of early marriage practice in their communities through regular orientation, creating awareness and forming association that can assist to overcome the problems of child marriage among the parent in the community. The paper recommends that government should provide economic empowerment program, implement program that include vocational training, job opportunities and financial support to improve the economic stability and also government and community leaders should organize regular orientation and awareness campaign to educate the drivers of the early marriage and the communities that practice and emphasize on the strategies for addressing challenges of early marriage.
Fadimatu MohammedLecturer, Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education Yola, Adamawa, Nigeria
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session