Facing Fragility

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Stilling the Storm: Christology, Cosmology, Theodicy - Faith and Discipleship in Quantum Perspective

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Stephen W. Need  

This paper examines the story of the Stilling of the Storm, as found in the synoptic gospels, suggesting that reading it in the light of quantum physics uncovers some important layers of its meaning and interpretation. Part 1 offers an exegesis of the text, noting the themes of Christology, faith, and discipleship. Considering the background and content of the narrative, it focuses in particular on the significance of the sea in ancient literature. In the gospel story, Jesus does the work of God in creation by controlling chaos; faith and discipleship are part of this. Part 2 examines the implied cosmology, touching on the nature of miracles. Suggesting an understanding of the universe as fluid and processive, this section draws on quantum physics, Process Theology, and the thought of Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 130-c. 200). Part 3 shows how this narrative raises the question of theodicy. Noting that Jesus “muzzles” the storm but does not eliminate it, this section sees creation in constant process, with all its chaotic flaws, until the end of time. A final section sketches the overall theological vision brought into focus by this narrative when it is read through the lens of quantum physics. In sum, reading the Stilling of the Storm story in the light of quantum physics and other processive models reveals how Christian faith and discipleship might be seen as collusions with God’s continuing work of ordering creation, exemplified in Jesus.

Churches and Civil Society in Ukraine: A Fragile Relationship

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Cyril Hovorun  

Ukraine features both strong churches and the civil society. Their interaction has been complex since the Ukrainian independence. This complexity is being reshaped by the war. The paper briefly surveys the milestones of the churches-society relationship in Ukraine, including the two upheavals of its civil society: the Orange revolution in 2004-5 and the Euromaidan in 2013-14. It also updates on the current status of this relationship.

Resisting the Hegemony of Borders and Coloniality through Religious Care, Charity, and Activism in the United States

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ivon Padilla Rodriguez,  Melissa Borja,  Israel Dominguez,  Barbara Sostaita  

This interdisciplinary panel explores the limits and possibilities of religion in efforts to provide care to vulnerable populations in the form of spiritual healing, charity, and activism. Borderlands and religious studies scholar Israel Domínguez examines the lives of nineteenth and twentieth century curanderas to explore how ancestral Mexican-American practices of spiritual healing can not only resist the forces that have entrenched coloniality, but also offer sanctuary to vulnerable populations in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Immigration historian Ivón Padilla-Rodríguez traces how a group of mid-twentieth century U.S. churchwomen helped create an unofficial social safety net to alleviate migrant families’ vulnerabilities, but they ended up deepening their precarity in some cases while failing to improve migrant children’s educational outcomes in others. Finally, religion and migration studies scholar Barbara Sostaita analyzes the contemporary organizing efforts of Iglesia Cristiana Sin Fronteras, her father’s congregation, on behalf of vulnerable migrants in North Carolina. Rooted in a profound awareness of migrant precarity, the activism of the congregation operates alongside and in contravention of the state to demand a redistribution of resources to help sustain migrants’ livelihoods and protect them from the harms of immigration enforcement. In sum, this panel considers the role of religion and religiously motivated actors within the politics of precarity and migrant welfare in the U.S. It reveals not only how faith leaders and institutions both harm and help vulnerable communities, but also, how their efforts can help us arrive at more expansive understandings of what counts as solidarity, reciprocity, decoloniality, and the political.

Featured Fragile Laws, Firm Faith: The Ancient Practice of Santhara in the Post-Truth World

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Rishabh Gandhi  

The Jain ritual of Equanimous Death, encompassing Sallekhana and Santhara represents a deeply spiritual practice rooted in the ideals of renunciation and mental balance. Revered within Jain philosophy, this practice reflects an unwavering commitment to embracing mortality with serenity and purpose. Yet, as Indian legal systems grapple with balancing the sanctity of life and the freedom of religion, Equanimous Death has come under increasing scrutiny. This ancient tradition raises profound questions about how fragile modern laws can accommodate practices anchored in timeless spiritual truths. Indian jurisprudence, shaped by colonial histories and contemporary ideals, often falters when addressing rituals that blur the boundaries between autonomy, morality, and legality. In this evolving landscape, Equanimous Death offers a unique ethical lens to examine these tensions. It challenges the law’s temporal and ever-changing nature while exposing its inability to fully grasp the spiritual depth of such practices. By exploring landmark legal cases, constitutional principles, and philosophical discourses, this paper investigates how the Indian judiciary navigates this delicate intersection. In a world increasingly influenced by post-truth narratives—where emotional appeals often take precedence over objective reasoning—Equanimous Death demands a reevaluation of the law’s role in a rapidly changing society. Ultimately, this paper reflects on whether modern jurisprudence, shaped by transient social and political forces, can transcend its inherent limitations to honor practices that embody profound ethical and spiritual values. It seeks to provoke thought on the evolving relationship between faith, law, and the human pursuit of transcendence in contemporary India.

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