Cultural Considerations

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Aztec and Maya Understandings of Christ's Descent from the Cross

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Mark Christensen  

The Passion and its commemoration during Holy Week are important aspects of Catholicism. Priests and parishioners alike remembered the suffering of Christ in a variety of ways including processions and performances reenacting the final events of Christ’s life. Such reenactments culminated on Good Friday when Christ was crucified. Yet the Bible remains largely silent on the events immediately following his death on the cross, particularly regarding his removal. This moment, the Descent from the Cross or Deposition, developed in culture throughout the medieval and early modern eras to produce a performance of sorts explaining how Christ was removed from the cross, the sorrow of his mother, Mary, and the events leading up to his burial. Popular in Europe, the Deposition likewise crossed the Atlantic to be performed by Spaniards, Nahuas (Aztecs), and Mayas. Although studies exist examining Nahua performances of the Passion, none exist examining the Deposition through sermons dedicated to the event. And no studies exist examining the Maya and their sermons on the Deposition. This study employs Nahuatl and Yucatec Maya sermons from late colonial manuscripts to reveal how the Deposition was presented to the Nahua and Maya. In the process, the paper considers how individual traditions in European, Nahua, and Maya societies affected the sermons to produce culturally specific understandings and versions of the Deposition. In the end, how Christ was removed from the cross differed depending on if it was done in Europe, central Mexico, or Yucatan.

Afro-Brazilian Spiritual Belief Systems to Address Racial Disparities in Sickle Cell Disease among Black Brazilians

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Anuli Njoku  

Sickle cell disease (SCD) has been recognized by the World Health Organization and United Nations as a global public health problem. In Brazil and in other countries in North and South America, SCD is more common among Black populations. Within Brazil, SCD is more prevalent in regions with higher concentrations of Black populations, indicating a health disparity or difference in health outcome due to race, ethnicity or other factors related to discrimination or exclusion. Structural racism can be a major determining factor in the establishment of SCD-related neglect, and there is an intersection between institutional racism and the production of SCD neglect. This encourages the need to address the health inequities that differentiate White and Black populations in Brazil, understand the role of racism as a contributor to differential health outcomes, and explore traditional spiritual and healing sources that can address this disparity. Afro-Brazilian spiritual and healing traditions like Candomblé have been used to remove health difficulties such as depression, insomnia, and eyesight problems, and have been effective in HIV prevention programs. Exploring Afro-Brazilian spiritual and healing traditions may be a method to address health problems such as SCD health disparities in Brazil. The purpose of this study is to describe the issue of racial disparities in SCD in Brazil, investigate the intersection of structural racism and SCD neglect in Brazil, and explore how Afro-Brazilian spiritual and healing traditions can be used to address this health disparity.

Health Benefits of Salat Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Intan Sabrina  

Salat (Muslim prayer) associated with many health benefits. A literature review was conducted from February to April 2023 using PubMed, EBSCO, and the Scopus Library databases. Articles published between 2012 and 2023 were retrieved using the following keywords: "impact" OR "effect" OR "health benefit" OR "functional outcome" AND "shalat" OR "Muslim prayer" OR "Salat". Inclusion criteria include full-text articles in English that explored the health effects of Salat. Exclusion criteria involved abstracts, duplicate articles, blogs, news articles, promotional brochures, conference proceedings and articles that did not mention Salat or Muslim prayer or articles unrelated to the impact or effect of Salat on humans. Health benefits of Salat were subsequently categorised into five domains of the ICF. The results showed 30 articles met the predefined inclusion criteria: 22 original articles, two systematic reviews, four literature reviews and two case reports. The majority of publications were from Muslim countries. Salat had positive benefits on the cardiorespiratory, haematological, immunological, mental and neuromuscular functions. Activities related to the preparation of Salat (ablution and attire) depend on the physical and cognitive functions of its practitioners, as well as environmental factors. Salat may serve as a coping mechanism to reduce stress and depression. The frequency and duration of Salat had positive associations with maintaining employment, social support and better quality of life.

Sufism Across Cultural Boundaries: Meanings, Practices and Methods of Development

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Patrick Laude,  Salah Basalamah,  Jiri Mesic  

Sufism is often considered to be the mystical component of Islam. Historically, theologically, and culturally Sufism is actually quite diverse and difficult to define generically. One way to approach it is to see it as emphasizing “inner” meanings, practices and methods of development. Another related characterization of Sufism has been, especially in the last decades, its universal orientation beyond the exclusive confines of Islam. This study is exploring some aspects of this cross-cultural dimension of Sufism in the arts, philosophy and spirituality.

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