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Developing aTheory of Everything with the Foundations of Sanatan Dharma Tested with General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: Becoming a Self-Realised Professional - the Art of Joyful Living

Workshop Presentation
Susheel Kamotra  

Two grand theories of science, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, are not reconciled, and scientists are desperate to find a theory of everything. Also, there is a growing consensus to find a new framework idea to develop a new approach to solve this problem philosophically. Could the foundations of ancient religion offer a solution? Resolving the above problem can potentially address many open questions in science, philosophy, and religion. It could bring about a profound transformation, ushering in peace, freedom, mental well-being, and joy for humanity. In the workshop session, participants will engage in a unique process. They will develop a standard frame of reference using their faces as a metaphor to apply scientifically tested and proven knowledge to their bodily system via senses and thought experiments. This will allow them to experience how the two grand theories of science act and where the problem lies, both as an observer and the one who is observing. During the process, they apply the knowledge of ancient wisdom of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism, Nonduality) and the ancient philosophy of Yugas Time Cycles from India using Godel’s Theorem to analyze logically via geometrical patterns 3D visualization on Face. The participants learn how consciousness energy behaves in the cosmos and moves between the body and mind. The participants will have an awakening, the presence of a system within a system. Finally, participants will consider the knowledge foundation from their religion, faith, or experiences to prove its relevance and validate the new theory.

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