Trends and Traditions

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Sacred Sweet Tooth: History, Meaning, Symbolism, and Function of Candy/Sweets in Diverse Religious Traditions

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Constance Kirker  

Given the centrality of food and food traditions in all human actions and inter-actions, this research focuses specifically on how the innate and universal human preference for sweets/candy manifests itself in varied and diverse religious practices and traditions, which, in turn, create and define group identity. Sweets function both symbolically and practically in the “culinary philosophies” of each of four major religions to be considered here: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Examples include:Buddhist monks are credited with spreading the process of refining sugarcane from India to China. Egg yolk based “Convent sweets” were produced by Catholic nuns throughout the Spanish colonial empire, which continue to be produced and sold from the Philippines to Mexico, as well as convents in Spain itself. While there are common historical and contemporary meanings and purposes for the various uses of sweets in these four, there are also many traditions that are quite unique to each particular faith, establishing distinct and diverse group identities. Yet, it is the nature of sweets/candy- their universal desirability, portability, and accessibility- that often creates opportunities for these diverse identities to be shared with, and even understood, by others.

Why Do We Say Thanks to God?: A Pragmalinguistic Study of Gratitude in the Wake of Crises in Puerto Rico

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Julianne Bryant  

Gratitude is valued in religion and moral philosophy, as it benefits interpersonal relationships between the beneficiary and the provider. But why do we thank God, and how is it different from thanking a person? This qualitative pragmalinguistic study investigates functions of the expression ‘Gracias a Dios’ in a religious context and how it differs from thanking a person. The study identified functions of gratitude (Kelly 2023; Meléndez Quero, 2005) in 43 interviews with church leaders and religious community members from three Christian denominations. The interviews took place in the aftermath of two hurricanes from 2019 through 2022, an extended period of crisis in Puerto Rico when the government response was limited, allowing churches to provide immediate physical relief and spiritual and emotional support. Through a narrative inquiry approach, participants were asked to explain how they experienced each crisis, how they received spiritual and emotional care, and the impact on their faith. Unlike prior research on thanking (Coulmas, 1981), results highlight a distinct embedded use of the phrase gracias a Dios in the context of trauma and profoundly religious experiences.

Featured “My Spirituality Gives Me the Opportunity to Serve Others”: Spirituality as a Pro-social Activity that Builds Connectedness

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Ayesha Ali  

Research on individuals who identify as spiritual but not religious (SBNR) has largely focused on personal aspects of belief, such as self-improvement, self-actualization, cognition, and personality. In contrast, the social dimensions of spirituality remain underexplored, despite extensive research showing that organized religions foster community and belonging. This study examines the social benefits derived from SBNR practices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with SBNR individuals in and around Glastonbury to explore the benefits of spiritual practice and/or affiliation. Participants generated lists of perceived benefits during the interviews. These lists and interview transcripts are being analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Preliminary findings suggest that the benefits of SBNR practice extend beyond the individual. All participants described how their spiritual practice fosters relationships and connections, and many emphasized service as a core aspect of their spirituality. Implications: Like religious individuals, spiritual individuals create meaningful bonds and communities that provide social benefits at personal, familial, and societal levels. Spirituality—along with its associated practices, beliefs, festivals, and rituals—should be recognized and protected by the state in the same manner as religious freedoms.

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