Drawing from Baumard et al.’s (2015) findings on the connection between Affluence and the Emerging of Ascetic Wisdoms, this study combines the already established sensory study of the Oracle at Claros with popularizing Oracle sites, from Archaic to Classical and Rome. In doing so, the paper focuses on the lively experience and its change. Because of its subjective nature, one single entity of a notion of experience cannot be established, but boundaries can be. The Magna Mater findings around Claros, possible Lydian existence through numerous coinage findings in the patron city of Colophon, Persian influence, and the story of exile to Ephesus, while affluence of Colophon was likely, Notion and the connection of the Ionian cities to the Athenian Empire, coming of Roman Empire and establishment of new infrastructure and essential positions, as well as the demise of the Greek Sanctuaries with the rise of Christianity, are all important “macro” events that effect the overall perception and experience of the sacred spaces. Within these terms, the study uses Numismatical and Archaeological evidence, Sensory Archaeology, and Interdisciplinary study to provide a new interpretation and outlook on sacred Spaces in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. In doing so, the issues of politics and vulnerability are touched upon.
Recep Can MertStudent, Art History and Archaeology , Columbia University, New York, United States
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Oracles, Sacred Spaces, Asia Minor, Sensory Studies, Affluence