Installments, Social Networks, and Tarot Card Spreads: How Loyalty Support Strategies Work in the Modern Digitalized Russian Esoteric Market


This study identifIES strategies for maintaining consumer loyalty used by esoteric specialists in the modern digital market for esoteric services in Russia. The study was conducted utilizing a mixed method, which included semi-structured interviews with experts, followed by content analysis of their profiles on the Telegram social media platform. A total of 20 interviews were conducted and then coded using thematic coding methods. Overall, 150 public accounts of esoteric specialists were selected for content analysis and data collection took place from March to May 2024. These accounts were split into three categories based on specialization, namely, tarologists, magicians, and astrologers. The results reveal that strategies employed by esoteric specialists to maintain loyalty in the Russian digital market can be divided into two categories. The first category is aimed at increasing customer engagement and includes strategies such as offering clients a profitable deal, multi-channel communication, personalization, and image-making. The second category focuses on creating value with customers and includes referral programs, client communities, webinars, live broadcasts, esoteric courses, and customer feedback.


Maria Zharakhovich
Intern Researcher, Social Policy Institute, Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Community and Socialization


Esotericism, Loyalty strategies, Digitalization, Social networks, Esoteric market