A Consideration on the Truth of Origin in Tenrikyo and the Origin of Human Beings in Science


Human existence is not a mere coincidence but holds profound intention and meaning. By exploring God’s role in our lives, I hope to find insights into the purpose of our own existence. Additionally, I seek to understand the differences between the teachings of Tenrikyo and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Evolutionary theory, one of the most widely accepted scientific explanations for the origin of species, describes the processes of natural selection and genetic variation as mechanisms through which life evolves and adapts over time. In contrast, Tenrikyo teaches that the origin of this world began in a muddy ocean from which humans were created. According to Tenrikyo, this creation occurred entirely through the thoughts and workings of God the Parent. While evolution and the teachings of Tenrikyo fundamentally differ, comparing the two can lead to a deeper understanding of the essence of life. I am particularly driven to investigate the similarities and unique features between the “Truth of Origin” and the processes described in evolutionary theory. For example, while both address the changes in life over time, evolutionary theory primarily explains biological diversity from a scientific perspective, whereas Tenrikyo emphasizes God’s intentions and purposes. Understanding our origins is crucial because it helps us comprehend who we are, where we come from, why we exist, and how we connect with the world.This understanding significantly influences our worldview, beliefs, and interactions with others and the environment. By understanding our origins, I believe we can better understand ourselves and build stronger relationships with others.


Jessica Diniz
Student, Environmental Law, Federal University of Parana, Paraná, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Religious Commonalities and Differences


Japanese, Religion, Science, Origin, Of, Humanity