Sayyid Qutb’s Prophetic Queen: Queen of Sheba as a Liminal Persona in Qutb’s Socio-Religious Conceptualization


This research examines Sayyid Qutb’s portrayal of the Queen of Sheba (Bilqis) in his commentary Fi Zilal al-Qur’an, focusing on her representation as a liminal figure who challenges traditional gender roles. In contrast to conventional interpretations, which often depict Bilqis as outwitted or disempowered by male figures, Qutb presents her as a leader and prophet-like figure, rejecting the patriarchal framework that diminishes her agency. Using Victor Turner’s theory of liminality, this study explores how both Bilqis and Qutb occupy transitional spaces—between incursion and religious reformation. While Bilqis is rarely outwitted in the scriptural texts, much of the interpretive and commentary literature over time has diminished her role, often portraying her as a figure to be dominated by male authority. Qutb’s reading stands out precisely because it resists these interpretations and repositions Bilqis as a model of prophetic leadership, reflecting his own socio-political vision for post-colonial Egypt. In doing so, Qutb demonstrates that patriarchal readings of Islam were not inevitable but rather the result of historical choices that privileged male authority over Islam’s broader ethical potential. This analysis redefines Bilqis’s role, positioning her as a prophetic, liminal figure rather than a passive political queen. By engaging with Qutb’s interpretation, this study contributes to contemporary discussions on gender, power, and leadership, offering a nuanced perspective on the role of women in Islamic thought and practice.


Sherie Gayle
Student, Ph.D. Candidate, Georgetown University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Politics of Religion


Religion, Social Conflict, Gender, Patriarchy, Interpretation, Liminality, Power, Politics, Colonialism