Nigeria is a multi-religious society with Christians and Muslims living together as citizens. More often than not, there is occasional tension between the two religious communities. This is due to the emphasis on areas of divergence which tends to give rise to mutual suspicion. Meanwhile, there are areas of convergence which should rather be emphasized to achieve peace. Fasting is one of many common religious values and principles shared in both religions. It is a religious devotion that enhances spirituality in Christianity and Islam. It is held in high esteem by Christians and Muslims alike, as it prompts them to refrain their souls and bodies from lawful enjoyment in the pursuit of the spiritual connection with the Lord. Though observed at different times, the period of fasting is spiritually extraordinary for Christians during Lent and Muslims during Ramadan accordingly. This paper studies how Christians and Muslims of Ilorin in North Central Nigeria, observe fast at different times, as a way of enhancing their spirituality. Interviews and participatory observation are employed as research tools to elicit information on the research objective. The paper finds that the spiritual experience of the adherents of the two faith communities is enhanced by their observance of fasting at different periods of time. It recommends that similar common areas and values shared in the two religions should further be studied to deescalate the religious tension in the country.
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Religious Commonalities and Differences
Christians, Fasting, Muslims, Nigeria