Effects of Disciplinary Practices on Cultural Commodities, Identities, and Actions in Media Education


The research investigates the effects of disciplinary practices on cultural commodities, identities, and actions in media education. The research considers the effects of disciplinary practices on individualities, possessions, and proceedings. The research checks the conceptual interpretations to inform about the structural assessments, observations, and arguments about them. The investigation informs about the impacts of disciplinary practices through critical approaches, analyses, and assessments. CRT, or critical race theory, will support the values of ethnic and ethnic students for cultural identities, commodities, and representations in education. A comprehensive environment of the classes should support individuality, identity, and integrity in education. As individuals, each student should be given a chance to produce themes that show the identity, individuality, and interaction with the community. The research investigates the impacts of disciplinary and critical race theory practices in education. The solutions sre checked in the diverse education environment, and the investigation will inform about the solutions to using transparent and individual identification. I collected the data by interviewing my participants to know the process. The research revolves around a qualitative method, ethnography, ethnographic research questions, transcribed semi-structured interviews, and coded transcriptions. The research also provides more information about the effects of disciplinary practices on the individual identities of ethnic students, possessions to inform about the values of their cultural heritage of the ethnic groups, and proceedings to support the actions of the positivity of ethnic students in media education.


Zartasha Shah
Artist and a researcher, Education, Self-Employment, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures