An Online Ph.D: Huberman Lab and Lex Fridman Podcasts: Rating, Reviewing, and Scientifically Assessing Scientific Podcasts (650+ episodes, 1500+ hours)


While obtaining my Ph.D, I have watched and rated all episodes of the Huberman Lab and Lex Fridman Podcasts. The value of these conversations with top scientists and thinkers in the world (and a small number of solo lectures from Huberman) is incredibly immense. These episodes provide listeners confidence, courage, and power to ask questions and obtain significant scientific-based growth. However, due to the large number of podcasts and difficulties finding relevant or interesting episodes, getting started as an outsider and knowing where to go to get the most value–both from an entertainment and learning perspective, is almost impossible. I have complied (albeit somewhat subjective) data as a ‘Rating’ (1-10, 10 being the ‘best podcast ever’, 1 being worst–Rating to 1 decimal point) for all podcasts, and a review to justify the rating. I have grouped podcasts based on topic, for example: Neuroscience, Medicine, Biology, Fitness, Nutrition, Physics, Psychology, ect, and collected lists and rankings of relevant podcasts for each category. For someone not familiar with the podcasts, I have determined ‘Top 10’, and ‘Top 50’, podcasts as a great place for people to start and not get discouraged by listening to a ‘bad’ episode. I have also compared my subjective ranking to objective view counts (from youtube) in order to determine ‘underrated’ (low views, high rating) and ‘overrated’ (high views, low rating) podcasts. This work will be a significant resource for scientists, especially young persons and those newer to science, to engage with scientific podcasts and leading scientists.


Sean Mc Cracken
Graduate Student, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Timothy Kutcher


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Media Technologies


Podcast, Science, Neuroscience, Review, Rating, Huberman, Lex, Fridman