The virtual space with its unique features has created a new space for dialogue, discussion and exchange of information, which in a way can be both a place to express society’s thoughts and an effective component in the formation of public opinion. The confrontation between Iran and Israel seems that it will approach very critical points with military operations in 2025. The virtual space of the Persian language has become a polar space that is affected by the successive events of Iranian society, such as economic and political protests and radical actions. Polarization also affects human relations and social relations in Iranian society. But talking about a national crisis like a war can intensify or weaken these poles. Meanwhile, Instagram, as one of the most popular social networks in Iran, has become a place for sharing political and social thoughts. This research, by qualitatively examining the opinions of experts and debates published on Instagram pages, as well as examining the opinions of Iranian users, explores how Iranian public opinion is represented and reproduced on Instagram regarding the military confrontation with Israel. The researcher interacted with the users as a participant and analyzed the feedback of their comments as a participatory netnography. Results were obtained in two stages, a network of themes was drawn. The first combines expert opinions and the second is based on users’ opinions.
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Virtual Space, Iran and Israel, Netnigraphy, Public Opinion, Polarization