Meme or Movement?: Ukrainian Humor and Identity as Visual Rhetoric in the Art of the Meme


The social responsibility that comes with communication can be decidedly viewed in social protest and one of the modern forms of this has come to be the use of the meme during social movements. Susanne Langer began to define the meeting place of the discursive and presentational in the early 20th century, but rhetorical scholars still need to take more steps to clearly define the role of visual rhetoric in the dominatingly visual world of the 21st century. This essay takes a step closer to defining that meeting place by evaluating the meme as a place of social protest from 2022 to the present during the Russian-Ukrainian war that focus on the use of humor and identity while further developing a generic approach to the analysis of visual protest rhetoric.


Jacqueline Irwin
Professor, Communication Studies, Sacramento State University, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Visual Rhetoric, Digital Art, War Protest, Humor, Memes