Conflict or Coexistence: Esotericism Frames in Russian Orthodox Media


This study investigates the portrayal of esoteric beliefs in Russian Orthodox media, focusing on whether these discourses present a conflictual stance or a mode of coexistence. Recent years have witnessed a surge in esoteric-related content across digital platforms, reflecting broader shifts in spiritual expression and a global religious crisis. By collecting and analyzing over 550 relevant media publications with semantic network analysis, the research identifies dominant conceptual frames in these outlets’ coverage of esoteric practices. The findings illuminate how the Russian Orthodox Church engages in open dialogue, dismissive critique, or pragmatic adaptation when addressing esoteric themes. In addition, the study leverages qualitative content analysis of a curated sample to explore the nuanced ways such spiritual alternatives are discussed and contextualized. Overall, this research contributes a richer understanding of how Russian Orthodox media navigates the intersection of traditional religious teachings and contemporary esoteric trends.


Maria Zharakhovich
Intern Researcher, Social Policy Institute, Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Orthodox Media, Esotericism, Framing Analysis, Semantic Network