Creative Identities: Integrating Creativity into Sense of Self and Life Satisfaction


This paper discusses themes of creative identity construction, feelings of joy and fulfilment in creative work, and the aspect of self-identifying as an ‘artist’ or ‘creative’. It is found that the creativity for the women who comprise the study cohort is front and centre of their lives and comprises a fundamental aspect of their personal and professional identity. The argument is made that the strength of their creative identities helps to facilitate a creative productiveness and sustains them in their creative work. There is a recognition on the part of the women interviewed for the study that without being in a position to give expression to their creativity, their level of satisfaction with their lives would be diminished. Another finding is in the reluctance that many of the women feel in self-describing themselves as ‘creative’ or as an ‘artist’ given its connotations of pretension or its associations with a certain type of, mostly male, person that the label typifies; an archetype they do not see themselves reflected in.


Aileen O'driscoll
Assistant Professor, School of Communications, Dublin City University, Ireland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Media Cultures


Creative Work, Creativity, Media Industries, Women's Creativity