Both horror films and news media play a significant role in storytelling and though for different purposes, use similar cinematic techniques to evoke fear. This paper examines the similarities between horror films and fear-driven news coverage, exploring common cinematic processes—visual composition, character stereotype, fear tactics—that film and news utilize to elicit fear and anxiety amongst their audience. While horror films are designed to entertain by invoking fear, news media frequently employs these same tactics to capture attention and heighten the emotional impact of real-world tragedies. Through a qualitative comparative analysis of select horror films and news media segments, this research highlights the subgenre: fear-based media. By recognizing how news coverage mirrors horror cinema, it showcases the possibility of fear-based news media and how the desensitization to real-world tragedy might impact how we process news and respond to crises, influencing public perceptions of risk and emotional responses to actual events. By spotlighting the shared features of these two media forms, this paper lends a thought to how fear-based media operates and a possible desensitized reaction to real-world information.
Kameron LunonProfessor, Mass Communication, McNeese State University, Louisiana, United States
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Mass Media, Fear-based media, Horror Films, Broadcast Media, Cinema