In the current digital culture era, museums face the urgency to adapt, and expand, namely through embracing and applying the continuously evolving new technologies. For once, the new media, either through the form of artworks, either as tools and platforms, demand the reframing on how to present, exhibit, and mediate art. It so happens that the technological and digital developments that are occurring over the past years unfold as a series of disruptions, and challenges, but also as new possibilities for museums. New media art especially, reshapes the relationships between art, public and museums, mainly through its digital objectualities that largely differ from traditional artwork practices. Also, they inaugurate new forms of mediation, as well as a new understanding and use of the space. New exhibition formats and new architectures emerge by a digitally oriented curatorial practice, confronting the standard museum white cube frame. At the same time, new platforms emerge and become recognised as efficient and autonomous exhibition spaces, such as the ones located on the internet. As a result, there’s a rupture with the understanding of the museum as the only and main exhibition space. Within this context and having as a reference Malraux’s concept of the museum without walls, we propose and contemplate the emergence of a new museum, one that is as fluid, and hybrid as the new media themselves.
Constança BaboTeacher, FCAATI - Faculty of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Technologies, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
2025 Special Focus—From Democratic Aesthetics to Digital Culture
Museum, Digital Culture, New Media, Curatorial Practices