Conference Dinner (Buffet): Gen Zen Teppanyaki Restaurant

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The restaurant Gen Zen Teppanyaki Restaurant is located in a 5-star hotel Windsor Hotel Taichung, one of the Conference Hotels. This hotel is located in Taichung (a nearby city of Changhua). The restaurant offers dishes of traditional Chinese cuisine. 

From the Restaurant: "The chef focuses on creativity, and carefully selects top-quality ingredients. The delicious and original taste of the ingredients is presented with exquisite cooking skills". 

The dinner is a buffet-style dining, the guests will be choosing from and helping themselves to a variety of dishes usually displayed on a banquet table. There will be offered meat, fish and vegetarian options. Wine and non-alcoholic drinks are included.

Date: Friday, April 25 

Time: 18:30

Place: Gen Zen Teppanyaki Restaurant (Floor 3F, Windsor Hotel Taichung)

Cost: 50US$

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