Narrowing Cultural Gaps in Virtual Exchange: Building Cross-cultural Understandings


In Virtual Exchange programs, such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), socio-cultural differences can negatively or positively influence students’ experiences and efficacy of global collaborations. This study aims to understand student’s participatory behaviors in COIL activities by exploring cultural differences in communication. Understanding cultural aspects in communication while video conferencing in Virtual Exchange programs help to develop more effective culturally sensitive strategies that will enhance student experience when immersed in culturally sensitive environments. We specifically explore differences in cultural value orientations such as perceptions about time management, task/relationship focus, and decision-making process during team work in virtual exchange programs.


Maria Marino
Teaching Professor, Communication, Florida International University, United States

Nurhayat Bilge
Assistant Professor, English and Communication Studies, SUNY- Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, United States

Jessica Delgado
Student, M.S./Communications; PhD student, FIU, Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Designing Social Transformations


Virtual Exchange/COIL, Pedagogy, Higher Education, Culture, Diversity, Communication