This paper explores the impact of AI-powered tools, DeepL and ChatGPT, on self-expression and the learning process in a fourth-semester university-level Japanese language speech project. This case study involved 15 students, with limited survey data. Students used AI tools during revision of their speech manuscripts through a multi-stage drafting process. Survey results indicate that while students generally conveyed their intended meaning using AI, preserving individual style was challenging, particularly for lower-achieving students. A clear correlation was observed between students’ engagement with AI tools during revision and both their revision strategies and their grades. Analysis of open-ended responses revealed higher-achieving students tended to actively engage with AI, viewing it as a learning partner, critically evaluating suggestions, and demonstrated more specific usage patterns. For example, these students leveraged translation functions to verify their intent and selectively integrated AI suggestions. Conversely, lower-achieving students tended to rely passively on AI, accepting AI-generated text during revision, demonstrating less critical engagement. Furthermore, higher-achieving students’ initial drafts showed minor changes after AI-supported revision, while lower-achieving students’ drafts showed substantial alterations. These findings suggest a student’s approach to AI tools during revision is significantly associated with their self-expression abilities and grades. Viewing AI as a partner that enhances self-expression and learning during revision, while maintaining a critical lens, is associated with greater effectiveness. This study offers practical implications for integrating AI in language education and highlight the importance of nurturing learner agency and critical thinking.
Hisae MatsuiSenior Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Learner Agency, AI-Supported Revision, Second Language Writing, Critical Thinking, Self-Expression