Empowering Learning Through AI - Transforming Student Support in Business Education: Insights from a Customised GPT-Driven Learning Assistant


In the evolving landscape of digital pedagogies, educators are increasingly exploring technological innovations to enhance teaching and learning experiences. This paper discusses the development and early implementation of a customised AI-driven tutor, created using ChatGPT, to support Business Psychology Management students. The initiative emerged as a response to the growing demand for continuous student support, addressing challenges associated with time constraints and the need for instant, context-specific assistance. While quantitative data collection is ongoing, this paper draws on initial feedback, and anecdotal evidence to explore the AI assistant’s potential to foster student self-reliance and enhance engagement. This study contributes to the discourse on digital pedagogies by highlighting practical applications and early lessons from integrating AI into higher education. It emphasises the value of iterative improvement in technology adoption and the transformative potential of AI tools in reshaping the educator’s role and enriching the student experience. We share actionable insights into developing and refining AI solutions, regardless of data constraints, and the implications for teaching and learning in the digital age.


Shirley Tan
Senior Academic Mentor, School of Business, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Considering Digital Pedagogies


Digital Pedagogies, AI-Driven Learning, Customised GPT Tutor