Students enter school with a self-perspective as learners with dreams and hopes for learning. With them they bring a natural curiosity and a willingness to discover, to hear, tell and make meaning of experiences that are yet unwrapped; to enclose the wonders and most important to learn whatever captures their own interests and helps to explore their hidden gifts and talents. As school leaders this roadmap or journey towards academic growth will serve you well for many years to come. It’s exciting to envision all our students across the nation of becoming highly competent and skillful in the language of learning and developing the problem solving, communication, critical thinking, and creativity the need to success today, tomorrow, and in the future. Tracking academic excellence and evaluating the educational continuous improvement process against to international standards is not just a luxury for schools. The international academic quality is a rising need in today’s rapidly changing world. The culture of continuous improvement should be the focus of all schools and universities. The question is how, when, what, who, and where to start. We consider extracting an answer based on three main pillars: the needs analysis, student’s performance, and stakeholder perceptions. The needs analysis gives the answers that help in prioritizing work in the improvement plan. Student’s performance analysis gives you the answer to what needs improvement and who will work on the action plan. Stakeholder perceptions analysis from parents, teachers, students, leaders, and community, makes the needs clearer and more realistic.
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Quality, Excellence, Pedagogy