This study explores the integration of digital tools such as Padlet, Zoom and Microsoft Forms in developing students’ intercultural competence through reflective activities. It examines how these technologies are used to facilitate virtual exchanges, promote intercultural communication and assess language learners’ development. Focusing on formative and summative assessment, the project evaluates the effectiveness of digital platforms in fostering interactive learning environments that prepare students for global communication. The study also looks at the practical applications and limitations of these tools, providing insights into their role in data collection and learning assessment in intercultural education. Through this research, the study aims to develop a flexible model for incorporating digital technologies into language and cultural education, thereby enhancing both teaching and learning processes.
Tzu Yiu ChenProfessor, Faculty of Philology and Communication, University of Barcelona, Spain
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Considering Digital Pedagogies
Digital tools, Virtual exchange, Integration of technology, Language and teaching