Global development strategies for Indigenous games have gradually driven their transformation into standardized sport, potentially altering their cultural essence. While research has primarily focused on formalizing these games, limited attention has been given to the institutional processes behind the regulations and their impact on cultural preservation. Ricœur’s (1984) narrative analysis was utilized to trace the evolution of South African Indigenous games, exploring the complexities in integrating them into formal institutions. An intrinsic case study approach, grounded in Institutional Work Theory, served as the analytical framework for understanding the purposive actions by stakeholders to create, maintain, and disrupt the formalization processes. Document analysis was conducted to gather insights into the policies, the rationale behind formalization efforts, and the structures established to govern Indigenous games. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to capture the motivations, and challenges of key stakeholders in formalizing Indigenous games. The findings reveal that formalization of Indigenous games in South Africa involved multifaceted engagements between government and communities, with the broader socio-political goals of legitimizing Indigenous games within national policies and programs. However, formalization carries the risk of homogenization, sportification and the potential to overlook unquantifiable heritage. Therefore, formalization involves constant negotiation of cultures with multiple stakeholders to construct, disrupt and reconfigure thoughts and systems to balance tradition and local agency with contemporaneity. This research makes significant contributions to our understanding of the development of sport in Africa. It may inform policy frameworks and future discourse on sustainable sports and recreational development in Africa.
Ivy Aboagyewaa OseiStudent, Master of Arts, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Sporting Cultures and Identities