An Elastic Gym – Implementation to Develop Physical Education within a University of Technology


In this study, we present the implementation of the first elastic gym at a University of Technology and make a case for the development of Physical Education within the Bachelor of Education program among predominantly disadvantaged pre-service teachers. Using the Cultural-Historical Activity (CHAT) theory of Vygotsky as a theoretical framework, we premise this research that exposing students to involvement and participation in a physical education program, as a part of their university coursework, will increase and develop their awareness of the importance of physical education within schools. We reviewed global literature to identify the value and use of an elastic gym program among various disciplines and advocate for this program within the school context. We adapted and argued the use of an elastic gym within schools as it will benefit pre-service teachers’ understanding and implementation of an elastic gym program at school, which would subsequently increase Physical Education within disadvantaged primary schools in South Africa. The application of this elastic gym program within Higher Education could contribute to pre-service teacher competencies within Physical Education. This can lead to an increase in physical education within disadvantaged schools, thus enhancing the development of gross motor development for young learners within these schools.


Samantha Kriger
Lecturer/Researcher, Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

Amy Sarah Padayachee
Lecturer, Education, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Western Cape, South Africa

George Joubert


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Sports Education


Physical Education, Pre-service Teachers, Gross Motor Skill Development, Physical Education